• Definition and scope of anatomy and physiology, levels of structural organization and body systems, basic life processes, homeostasis, basic anatomical terminology.


    • There is not much complex concepts involved in this chapter and so referring the diagrams used in the notes will help to remember the terminologies.
    • Use simple keywords or vivid imaginations to remember the terminologies used in this chapter.
    • Terminologies used in this chapter will help to understand and remember upcoming chapters easily.
    • Focus more on Homeostasis
  • If your studying for exam right now, I will suggest you few exam tips to study and remember Human Anatomy & Physiology subject easily, so check out them- HAP-I EXAM & STUDY TIPS



Multiple Choice Questions:-

1. Which of the following is the function of integamentary system? 

(a) Protective

(b) Sensory 

(c) Excretory

(d) All of the above

2. Myology is the study of:

(a) Muscles

(b) Bones

(c) Cartilages

(d) All of the above

3. Study of skeletal system is called:

(a) Osteology 

(b) Skelentology

(c) Chondrology

(d) Arthrology

4. Study of blood vessels is called

(a) Cardiology 

(b) Haematology 

(c) Angialogy 

(d) Serology

5.  Cowper's gland is the part of which of the following systems?


(b) Nervous 

(c) Endocrine

(d) Reproductive

 6. Palpebrae are:

(a) Ear lobes 

(b) Eyelids 

(c) Nostril flaps

(d) Stiff ridges of pinnal.

 7. Which of the following is not the characteristic of males as compared to females 

(a) More muscular development

(b) Narrow hips

(c) High pitched voice

(d) Broader shoulders

8. A plane that represents the body into unequal right and left sides is a: 

(a) Transverse plane 

(b) Midsagittal plane

(c) Parasagittal plane

(d) Frontal or coronal plane

9. A runner in the midway of his race begins to sweat profusely. The sweat glands producing the sweat would be considered which part of a feedback loop?

(a) Controlled condition 

(b) Receptors

(c) Effectors

(d) Control Centre 

10. For radiography of a growth on urinary bladder, camera must be positioned on which of the following region ?

 (a) Umbilical

(b) Mypogastric

(c) Right inguinal

 (d) Left inguinal

11. Which of the following is a non-invasive diagnostic technique ?

(a) Palpation

(b) Auscultation

(c) Percussion

(d) All of the above.

12. A double fold of peritoneum which suspend an organ from the back body wall is called:

(a) Visceral peritneium 

(b) Mesentary 

(c) Omentum

(d) Ligament

Fill in the blanks :

1. Study of almost all the structural aspects of human body is called........... and of functional aspect is called. 

2. A group of similar cells and their surroundings materials performing specific function is called a ........

3. Study of the skin is called and study of hair and its diseases is called........... 

4. Your eyes are ......... to your chin in anatomical position.

5. Your skin is to your heart in anatomical position.

6. Median notch of upper lip is called..........

7. Trunk is differentiated into..... and two pairs of..........

8. A small solid erectile organ of the female corresponding to the penis of the male is called.......

9. The act of passing out urine is called...............and the act of delivering a body is called.......... 

10. The gait in which the entire foot rests on the ground is called.....

11. The two membrane coverings of heart are-outer.......... and inner............

12. The median septum or partition between the two lungs lined on both sides by pleurae is called

13. The sum of all of the body's biochemical processes is ............; the phase of it that builds up new substances ..........., and the phase that breaks down substances is ...........

14. The ECF that fills the narow spaces between cells of tissues is called

15. Spleen is connected to kidney by..............

16. Stomach is connected to liver by to small intestine by.......... and to spleen by..........


1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (b)

Fill in the blanks :

1. Anatomy; physiology

2. Tissue

3. Dermatology ; trichology

4. Superior

5. Superficial

6. Philtrum

7. Thorax, abdomen; limbs

8. Clitoris

9. Micturition; parturition

10. Plantigrade

11. Parietal pericardium; visceral pericardium

12. Mediastinum

13. Metabolism; anabolism; catabolism 

14. Interstitial fluid

15. Lienorenal ligament

16. Lesser omentum; greater omentum; gastrosplenic omentum.


1. Define Human Anatomy and Physiology
2. List out any 4 scope of Human Anatomy.
3. List out any 4 subspecialties of Anatomy.
4. Derive the Level of Organizations involved in Human Body.
5. List Out the main body systems present in Human Body.
6. Terminologies can be asked for 2 Marks.
7. List out any or all the body cavities present in Human Body.
8. Define Homeostasis.
9. Role of Homeostasis on different systems. (Each system can be asked for 2 marks)
10. Differentiate Vasodilation and Vasoconstriction.
11. Define Vasodilation.
12. Define Vasoconstriction.
13. Explain the feedback mechanism involved Homeostasis.
14. What are the components used to maintain feedback mechanism.
15. How Negative feedback mechanism works?
16. How Positive feedback Mechanism works?


1. Define anatomy and physiology. What is the structural organization of our body?
2. What are the Scope of Anatomy?
3. What are the Subspecialties of Anatomy?
4. List out the level of organizations involved in Human body.
5. Any terminologies can be used for 5 marks by giving the specific Diagram.
6. List out the varies body cavities Present in Human body. 
7. Explain how each systems obeys homeostasis. (Any 5)
8. Explain the Importance of Homeostasis.
9. Explain the feedback Loop flowchart with example.
10. Explain Negative feedback mechanism with example.
11. Explain Positive feedback mechanism with example.
12. Enlist various organ systems of our body.
13. Describe representative organs and their functions in the following systems: (a) Digestive System (b) Circulatory system
14. Diagrammatically show various body parts on the anterior side.
15. Describe sexual dimorphism in humans. 
16. Describe the thoracic cavities of human body.
17. Describe the abdominal cavity of human body.
10 MARKS:- 

  • What are the Scope of Anatomy ?
  • What are the Subspecialties of Anatomy?
  • Explain the Level of Organization with neat Diagram.
  • List out any 10 basic terminologies and body positions of Human
  • Explain how Each system Obeys Homeostasis. (All the systems)
  • Explain Feedback mechanism involved to maintain Homeostasis in detail. 
  • Briefly describe various organ systems of human body.
  • Describe various body divisions along with suitable diagrams.

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